IRON MOUNTAIN | 865-935-9384

Shady Cove Shooting School was founded by Jon Parrish, a National Sporting Clays Association Certified Level III instructor, and a Master Class competitor. In a safe and stress-free manner, Jon provides a particularly gratifying and entertaining experience for shooters of all skill levels.
828-337-4953 -
Beginner - Intermediate - Advanced
Todd Hitch
Todd is a world class competitor with multiple national and regional titles and top notch instructor. Todd has coached many of the best shooters around. He is able to communicate and execute. Todd will deliver on topics such as stance, gun mount, reading targets and more.
Contact Todd at:
865-307-2769 -
While our staff can help you with safety, equipment, basic instruction, learning the sport and how to start breaking clays and having fun, we are not certified instructors.
At Iron Mountain, we firmly believe that expert instruction is invaluable and recommend using a certified instructor. If you would like top-level certified assistance please contact the instructor directly. He will make all the arrangements for your visit to Iron Mountain Clays.